"Wet Moon book 3: further realms of fright" -Ross Campbell

Posted: Wednesday 24 July 2013 by Unknown in Labels: , , , , , ,

Kinzoku is rad, okay?

Cleo and Trilby head to the tattoo parlour together (Cleo gets a design that Myrtle drew, whilst Trilby gets something subtly Star Trek) and Trilby tries to persuade Cleo to hook up with Myrtle.
Proof that Martin and Trilby are adorable; he totally knows what her tattoo is, but promises not to tell anyone. He also lets her put eyeliner on him when they go out to a club (squeeee), unfortunately the night is somewhat clouded by Cleo pretty much knocking a guy out for bumping into her whilst moshing.
Poor Audrey doesn't seem to know what to do, when Kinzoku sees her with Beth, she punches Beth straight in the face (while she's eating a sandwich and everything, I mean, come on, there are limits). Audrey tries to break it up, and ends up going home with Beth and sleeping over at hers.
Cleo and Myrtle later get officially "together" and Myrtle meets Cleo's family.
Cleo's sister Penny is pregnant and not so sure on who the father is, but it transpires she's (unknowingly) sleeping with Cleo's ex-boyfriend.

Trigger warnings; self-harm, violence, cats going missing.

Until next time,
Emerald Elizabeth.