"My Appetite For Destruction (Sex & Sex & Guns N' Roses)"

Posted: Wednesday 3 July 2013 by Unknown in Labels: , , , , , ,

By S. Adler with L.J. Spagnola

I'm a pretty big fan of rock and roll. So, when I saw Steven Adler's (drummer of Guns N' Roses) autobiography in my local library, I was pretty stoked.

After reading it, I now feel kind of emotionally-drained. It's crazily honest, even about the stupid shit that he used to get up to. If you read this book, likelihood is you'll end up throwing it across the room at times shouting "WHY STEVEN WHY?!". Then you'll go pick it back up and want to cuddle him and stop him doing heroin.
Honestly, I actually laughed and cried with this book. Say what you will about Adler, but he's talented, charming, and downright sweet. He doesn't try to slag off the other founding members of Guns N' Roses, he states brutally what their faults are, but none are as mentioned so much as his own.
This is a man who knows his vices, who understands his demons and who is currently facing them head on.

Keep rocking Adler, don't you stop.

Trigger warnings; drugs, sex, addiction, depression

Until next time,
Emerald Elizabeth.