"Cassandra's Conflict" -Fredrica Alleyn

Posted: Tuesday 16 July 2013 by Unknown in Labels: , , , , ,

Holy shit, this book was awful.
It's not often that I want to actually stop reading something before I've finished, but good lord, this was bad. Literally the only reason I read until the end was because of the readathon.
The front cover bills it as "groundbreaking erotica". I'm not even joking, not even one little bit of this book was erotic. The only 'groundbreaking' bit was a scene where the protagonist has a snake inserted into her (AND LIKES IT), and even that was different for all the wrong reasons.
There are several things that should never be included in a romantic-fantasy novel (using the word 'novel' here in the loosest possible sense), and one of them is CHILDREN. There is a scene in this book where a child's paintbrush is used in a distinctly un-artistic way.
I mean, is nothing sacred?!
The final straw for me was a chapter involve a live snake. Jesus H. I hurried through the rest of the book, and now doubt I'll ever be aroused again.

Trigger warnings; piss-play, forced sexual actions, BDSM, animal cruelty

Until next time,
Emerald Elizabeth.

ADDITIONAL; if anyone wants the book (and the sequel, they were on offer) LET ME KNOW. YOU CAN HAVE IT. FOR FREE. IT'S AWFUL.