"I Am Legend" -Richard Matheson

Posted: Wednesday 17 July 2013 by Unknown in Labels: , , , , , , ,


I've read this book before, but it's on my reading-list for one of my modules for next semester, so I got to read it again!
An interesting mix of Sci-Fi and Horror, it's a far cry from the usual helpless babes in bikinis or mad scientists playing with genealogy.

Situated in a dystopian future where the human race has essentially been wiped out, this novel follows Robert Neville, "the last living man on Earth" as he battles the vampiric beings the rest of mankind has become.
Definitely heart-stopping in places as well as accurately portraying the isolation and loneliness that would come with being the last one of your race, do not read this novel if you're looking for a quiet night in with a chilled-out book. I (stupidly) started re-reading it at approx. one a.m. in the house ON MY OWN. Queue texts to boyfriend (at his home and already asleep) with increasing levels of panic. Had to use the loo in the middle of a particularly scary bit, and took a lightsaber with me.

As previously stated, a super-clever mix of just enough science to make sense and horror that will keep you needing the light on (if your imagination is as active as mine!).

Trigger warnings; loneliness, sexual-deprivation, violence

Would SO SO SO definitely recommend.

Until next time,
Emerald Elizabeth.

Additional; don't watch the film. Not nearly as good, and only barely linked to the story.